Latest news:

Venus class

Our Year R class

Welcome to the Summer Term in Venus Class! The class teacher is Miss Brown and the teaching assistant is Miss Court. Mrs Riggs also joins us on a Monday afternoon.
This term our topic is ‘Commotion in the Ocean’ where we will continue to explore both fiction and non fiction books about the world, oceans and dinosaurs.  We will broaden our vocabulary and understanding through a wide range of experiences including a trip to ‘Wingham Wildlife Park’ and ‘Led by the Wild’.
We have a number of other exciting things happening this term including balance bike and hockey sessions.  Mrs Fenwick (our Chair of Governors) has very kindly given us some of her duck eggs which we have put inside an incubator to keep them warm.  We are eagerly awaiting to see what hatches.  This will take about 4 weeks.
This term we will also prepare the children for their Transition into Year 1. We hope you are able to attend the Yr R/1 Transition Parent Workshop on Tuesday 11th June to hear further information.  There will also be other key dates to look forward to such as Sports Day and the Summer Fayre on Friday 5th July.
Please see the topic overview below for additional information about this term.  As always, we endeavour to follow the interests of the children, as is the nature with the EYFS curriculum and keep you up to date with things we have been learning, including ideas to support at home, in our weekly ‘Activity Sheets’ on Seesaw.
If you have any questions I will be available at the school door each day or please send me a message on Seesaw.
We are looking forward to another exciting term!
Miss Brown







