Latest news:

Mars class

Our Year 1 and 2 class

Welcome to Mars class. The teacher is Mrs Barnes and the Teaching Assistants are Mrs Riggs and Mrs Sparkes.

Welcome back to the Summer Term!

Our new topic is ‘Into the Woods’ with a Key Concept Question of ‘Why is woodland so important to life?’ We will be exploring what makes a woodland, comparing different types of woodlands, plus investigating the role of woodlands throughout history, locally and globally. We are also taking part in outdoor learning in Term 5 which enables us to physically explore our local woodland too.

In Science we are learning about plants. We will be growing, observing, comparing and identifying various plants throughout the Summer Term, from plants we grow in our gardens, to wild plants and trees. We will also be looking at plant life cycles, making reference to our previous biology learning on animal life cycles.

English spelling and grammar-based homework activities will be uploaded onto Seesaw each week for Year Two, with an optional weekly homework for Year One. Weekly spellings will also be uploaded to Seesaw. All children in Mars will have a whole week to practise their spellings in preparation for testing the following Friday. Maths homework continues to be through Mathletics.

Please continue to listen to your child read at home every evening; your support with this plays a huge part in your child’s progress.

Please do ensure your child brings outdoor clothing for all weathers – raincoats, sun hats and water bottles (water only, no squash, juices etc). If warm weather is forecast, please do apply lasting sun-cream before school too.

Our P.E. lessons are now on a Wednesday with coach Harry and with Coach Ben on a Friday. Please send your child in wearing their PE kit on these days.

Thank you,

Mrs Barnes




